At the moment I am reading The Happiness Project by Gretchin Rueben. In one of the chapters, Gretchin says you should do things that make you happy no matter how childish they may seem. So one thing that makes me happy is having a Blythe Doll. Before I explain a bit more about Blythes, here is the little blurb about Zuki. 'A little bitty "muchacha zukin" lives in a happy forest called "muchacha." She has a mysterious powers to bring happiness to those who seek it. She will give you a little bitty happiness to you, too!'.
I am hoping that by combing my new found love of Blythe's and another one of the things that makes me happy - photography I can add a little more happiness to my life!
For those of you who don't know anything about Blythe's, here is a little info. Sonia also told me that they are one of the worlds most photographed dolls too. Yay! I have lots of ideas for shoots to do with Zuki in the future!
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