Sunday, January 1, 2012

OWL 2012

This year the word I have chosen, or the word that chose me is RESTORE. I need to restore my soul and restore my life back to how I want it.
Last year my word was build. I was in a totally different space physically and mentally and my life had a much different focus to what it does now. It is amazing the difference a year can make and how your life can change.
As I posted on FB yesterday, 2011 was not really my year. I had visions of building a house on the block of land we owned, having babies after having exploratory surgery to find out why I could not conceive naturally and still working at the school I was at. My life has had a rapid change and I refuse to be bitter about what has happened to me. 2012 is going to be my year. It is full of opportunities that I do not know exist. 2011 provided me with lots of goodness and there are many people that I encountered along the way that made a difference.
The start of the year always brings lots of new and exciting crafty and arty courses. I have signed up for the new one at Brave Girls and Life Book at Willowing. With my new iPhone I am taking a photo a day using instagram. This will help me do a hybrid of Project Life and Project 365.

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Anonymous said...

Great to see you in such a positive frame of mind, Ngaire. I feel that 2012 is going to be a good year for me too. A change of house, a change of job for James (inbox me on facey!) and a year of consolidation at work and home. Bring it on!

Anonymous said...

You deserve all the best Ngaire, I hope 2012 is everything you have wanted.

Melanie H

Jenni Hodge said...

Ngaire - onwards and upwards honey - 2012 will be awesome because you will make it that way :-) xxx

Anonymous said...

Great word for a new year after having a rough year! Keeping it at the front of your mind will give you positivity for experiences of this new year.

jillytacy said...

I hope 2012 is a wonderful year for you. May you restore your life to what you hope! Infertility is a difficult thing, it took me a very long time to accept it. I wish you the best in 2012!

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